What Can We Say? 05/28/2010
Making a Splash 05/26/2010
More sales for Openers. Love to have a review, though. Have thoughts about the book? Some praise? Whisper it right here. I won't tell a soul...except the people who read this. I promise.
No Greater Love is coming out in a little over a week. He's a writer, she's a political liaison. He's Native American, she's Irish American. He sees her as a little sister. She sees him as the man of her dreams. She's known him all her life. He only thinks he knows her. Secrets and sacrifice demand a great love. The Boss went to dinner at the HPOE (California version) and caught a picture of them testing the new summer nights water show - World of Color - and brought me back a pretty cool picture. Make someone happy. Buy a book. BGP sekret message to Li'l Mik's dad. HI! The Boss told me you're reading my blog. Yay!
Psst...Wanna Buy a Book Cheap? 05/24/2010
If you're waiting for Emjae Edwards' new book, No Greater Love, and you're not on the mailing list, then you're going to have to pay full price. That's right, you won't receive a coupon for a twenty five percent discount at Smashwords, and that would be a shame.
Sign up now. It's free. Just click on that link down there. Yes, that's the one. The one that says Mailing List. We don't sell your email address to anyone else, or give it away. We hoard them, and send emails with coupons and announcements and free excerpts of books. So, sign up now, and you'll be included in the next mail out - a twenty five percent coupon for No Greater Love, coming in June. Also, our resident Renaissance Man, Michael E. Benson, has written another book. And it's completely different. While Openers was a creepy, scary chase after a serial killer, his new book is about a twelve year old boy, growing up in the Depression. Watch for it. Here. Right here. At that link over there that says Michael Benson. Of course, if you're on our mailing list, you'll get advanced notice and maybe a discount. Yesterday we had high winds here on the Hill of Beans, and the Boss, Manservant!Geeves and I sat out in their garden watching two young eagles playing in the wind...hovering motionless about the ground. It was beautiful, and I wish someone had thought to get video of it. But, since no one did, I'll give you a rose update, instead. Have a great day. BGP
The Boss' head is still spinning.
With all this talk about the Agency Model, and price fixing (okay, they might not be actually calling it that, but that's what it amounts to), we here at Inknbeans Press decided to become a little more informed about what our traditional competitors were doing. Somehow we never quite got to the price issue because something else caught our attention, and sent the Boss into orbit. We were looking at Penguin since they seem to be center stage in this controversy, and while prowling through their website came across this seemingly laudable page: (Green Penguins). Impressive, isn't it? Except it isn't. Go to the submissions page for any of their dozens of imprints, and not one of them accepts digital submissions. Not one! One of the submission requirements is that the reams of paper you send to them by snail mail be recyclable, but the fact is they want paper. Lots and lots of paper. And they want you to employ drivers and planes and man hours to deliver it. And if they like your submission, they'll send more paper to you requesting even more paper from you. Give them their props for sorting bottles and cans, and switching to CFS lighting and video conferencing. But, wouldn't digital submissions go a long way (in a hydrogen fuel cell car) to reducing their carbon footprint and save who knows how many thousands of trees? So, Penguin Group, we say to you, don't paddle the twaddle 'til you can waddle the waddle. Here at Inknbeans Press, we're doing our part to help Green Up America. Have a great day. BGP
Readin\', Writin\' and Roses 05/17/2010
It's the beginning of the week for most people, but for some of us, it's the end of the week. We've had a busy one, too. We had our first in a series of essays on What Writers Write, and Lisa Hinsley wrote a wonderful, simple and illustrative piece on how she gets to those spooky places she wants us to see. We had a big jump in hits last Thursday and Friday, as a result. Thank you, Lisa.
In June, our own Michael E. Benson will be addressing that same question. We've had a sneak peek, and it's interesting and informative. You can tell he was an investigator and instructor for many years. Speaking of sneak peeks, the Boss just got a peak at Michael's new work. It's supposed to be a completely different style and genre from his crime thriller, Openers, and what the Boss has seen so far seems to make the Boss very happy. The Boss calls Michael E. Benson a Renaissance Man. I guess he is, because his interests and talents are pretty wide ranging. It seems pretty likely that you'll be hearing more about him in the coming weeks. That's all I'm saying. And here's proof that even at six in the morning, Spring is here. Have a great week. BGP
A New Feature 05/11/2010
The Boss and I have been talking about a new feature for Inknbeans. We've been talking about it almost from the moment we brought the site online, but now it's time to make it a reality. Starting very soon - perhaps this week! - we're going to have an occasional column written by writers from all genres. It will be called Inknpage, How Writers Write, and it will be a little essay on the process, the inspiration, the routines or even the superstitions writers employ to get that ink on the page. Our first column will feature Lisa Hinsley, a very nice lady from England who has written some very spooky, and wonderfully vivid shorts stories called A Peculiar Collection, as well as an equally spooky and more disturbing book called Coombe's Wood.
Lisa's not one of our writers (though we wish she was) but she's very nice, and very talented and we're very honored that she's agreed to write our inaugural column. If you want to know when it's coming out, join our mailing list and you'll get an advanced look at what she has to say. Have a great day. BGP
Openers and Closers 05/06/2010
Openers is now available for ereaders everywhere. Got a new iPad? Got a Kindle? Got a netbook? Got a taste for something grim, gritty and genuine? Then Openers is for you. It's based on events experienced by a police investigator and his colleagues. It has a slightly different narrative style, part police report and part diary. If you're still not sold, go here for a sample.
If you're not in a mood for serial killers on a fine day like this, here's some bright yellow happiness. |