inknbeans press

Who is This Steven Revare and Why Does He Want Us To Get Raw?

Steve Revare writes humorous novels that take place, at least partially, somewhere in Kansas. He has spent his entire life racking up experience to put in his novels. He wrote jokes for a Dennis Miller project, ran camera for NFL
broadcasts, wrote award-winning television promotion spots, co-founded and sold a web-development firm, and, due to an unfortunate lack of pre-freelance-gig research, operated a TV camera during a three-day Amway convention. 

He currently creates on apps and content for his company Slugworth, Incorporated.

Steve earned a BA in English from Indiana University, and an MA in English, Creative Writing, from the University of Missouri - Kansas City. There, he worked with author Whitney Terrell and earned the Gary William Barger Memorial Scholarship and the Stanley H. Durwood Fellowship Award.

Oh, yes...and he wrote a little book about
"an underground dairy that sells illicit raw milk, and uncovers a militant wing of La Leche League that specializes in light domestic terrorism."

Coming to a dairy case near you September 2010  Raw