Dawn Hood

Hi! My name is Dawn Hood and I’m so glad you stopped by to visit my site.
Getting to Know Me: I was born and raised in the South (Georgia, to be specific) and have lived here almost my entire life. My parents are Southerners, my grandparents were Southerners, and I’m pretty sure for several generations back we have all called Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee ‘home’. Rainy days are my favorite; I start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, and have enjoyed a lifelong love affair with ice cream. I’m also a rabid Georgia Bulldogs fan!
I remember writing from a very early age, and devouring books as a child and teenager. My love of reading comes from a line of very strong women on my mother’s side of the family…grandmother, mom, aunts, cousins; all of us love to read to this day. I’ve often said that when I read a book it’s like watching a movie in my head. That’s what motivates me when I write, too. I want my readers to be inspired by a visual connection with the written word.
I’m living proof that there are no set rules when it comes to writing: I don’t have a college degree, have never studied journalism or any other form of professional writing, and have simply learned to write out of my heart. Write. Then write some more. Then keep writing. Read it. Chew on it. Change it. Play with it. Make it yours. As I told my publisher, InknBeans Press, when I submitted the manuscript for my children’s book, “you now have my soul on paper.” That’s truly what I want to convey as a writer to you, the reader.
I’m celebrating 10+ years as a loud and proud cancer survivor. Diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer when I was pregnant with my third child, together we endured three surgeries, a nasty infection, and four rounds of chemotherapy before my little miracle entered the world – perfectly healthy in spite of being teeny-tiny. Six weeks of radiation treatments followed and we have both enjoyed perfect health in the years since my
diagnosis. I give God all the credit for the healing power of prayer, the love of friends, the loyalty of family, and the amazing team of doctors who provided our care. My other two children were my protectors, nurse and private caretaker, head-warmers, and snuggle providers. My husband was my rock, my bodyguard, and never left my side.
Getting to Know My Family: I have been married since 1994 to my husband, Richard. He keeps life interesting and can always find something funny to say about anything and everything. He loves a good debate (one of the things that attracted me to him on our first date), loves our kids, and loves my sweet tea! It’s funny to look back and realize that we’ve been married almost 20 years; doesn’t seem possible that we’ve shared that much time together, not including the years we dated prior to getting married. We have three amazing children: Alex, Rachel, and Stephen. Alex is grown and lives in Texas. He is as handsome as he is smart, and was born with a smile on his face. Alex never meets a stranger and loves the tradition of family and holidays. Rachel is our precious daughter, 13 going on 25, a cartoon character come to life. There’s no inviting her to the party – she IS the party! She’s a cheerleader with a fierce streak for competition and a great friend to everyone she meets. And then we have our youngest, Stephen. He is our thinker, processor, smart-as-a-whip athlete. He loves football, baseball, Xbox 360, and he’s my hero. Stephen is straight up loyal to the core and has the deepest, darkest “chocolate soup
eyes” you’ve ever seen.
Getting to Know My Life: I’m a daughter, sister, wife, mom, friend, confidante, cheer coach, football/baseball team mom, and aspiring writer. I love to cook, entertain, drink coffee, and play in the dirt. My relationship with Jesus Christ is the driving force in my life and I’m thankful every day for His grace, mercy, abundant blessings, and strength for the storms. My home church is in Woodstock, Georgia where I have the privilege to sit
under the teaching and shepherding of one of the greatest pastors of our time, Dr. Johnny Hunt.
A few of my favorite things:
Quote: “Life is hard. God is good. Don’t get the two confused.”
Movie: Mmmm…toss up between The Notebook and We Were Soldiers
Book: An impossibly long list – how could I ever choose just one???
Color: Purple
Cartoon: currently, Phineas and Ferb; as a child, Looney Tunes
Food: Italian (only because ice cream doesn’t count)
Place: Home
Getting to Know Me: I was born and raised in the South (Georgia, to be specific) and have lived here almost my entire life. My parents are Southerners, my grandparents were Southerners, and I’m pretty sure for several generations back we have all called Georgia, Alabama, and Tennessee ‘home’. Rainy days are my favorite; I start listening to Christmas music the day after Thanksgiving, and have enjoyed a lifelong love affair with ice cream. I’m also a rabid Georgia Bulldogs fan!
I remember writing from a very early age, and devouring books as a child and teenager. My love of reading comes from a line of very strong women on my mother’s side of the family…grandmother, mom, aunts, cousins; all of us love to read to this day. I’ve often said that when I read a book it’s like watching a movie in my head. That’s what motivates me when I write, too. I want my readers to be inspired by a visual connection with the written word.
I’m living proof that there are no set rules when it comes to writing: I don’t have a college degree, have never studied journalism or any other form of professional writing, and have simply learned to write out of my heart. Write. Then write some more. Then keep writing. Read it. Chew on it. Change it. Play with it. Make it yours. As I told my publisher, InknBeans Press, when I submitted the manuscript for my children’s book, “you now have my soul on paper.” That’s truly what I want to convey as a writer to you, the reader.
I’m celebrating 10+ years as a loud and proud cancer survivor. Diagnosed with Stage 3 breast cancer when I was pregnant with my third child, together we endured three surgeries, a nasty infection, and four rounds of chemotherapy before my little miracle entered the world – perfectly healthy in spite of being teeny-tiny. Six weeks of radiation treatments followed and we have both enjoyed perfect health in the years since my
diagnosis. I give God all the credit for the healing power of prayer, the love of friends, the loyalty of family, and the amazing team of doctors who provided our care. My other two children were my protectors, nurse and private caretaker, head-warmers, and snuggle providers. My husband was my rock, my bodyguard, and never left my side.
Getting to Know My Family: I have been married since 1994 to my husband, Richard. He keeps life interesting and can always find something funny to say about anything and everything. He loves a good debate (one of the things that attracted me to him on our first date), loves our kids, and loves my sweet tea! It’s funny to look back and realize that we’ve been married almost 20 years; doesn’t seem possible that we’ve shared that much time together, not including the years we dated prior to getting married. We have three amazing children: Alex, Rachel, and Stephen. Alex is grown and lives in Texas. He is as handsome as he is smart, and was born with a smile on his face. Alex never meets a stranger and loves the tradition of family and holidays. Rachel is our precious daughter, 13 going on 25, a cartoon character come to life. There’s no inviting her to the party – she IS the party! She’s a cheerleader with a fierce streak for competition and a great friend to everyone she meets. And then we have our youngest, Stephen. He is our thinker, processor, smart-as-a-whip athlete. He loves football, baseball, Xbox 360, and he’s my hero. Stephen is straight up loyal to the core and has the deepest, darkest “chocolate soup
eyes” you’ve ever seen.
Getting to Know My Life: I’m a daughter, sister, wife, mom, friend, confidante, cheer coach, football/baseball team mom, and aspiring writer. I love to cook, entertain, drink coffee, and play in the dirt. My relationship with Jesus Christ is the driving force in my life and I’m thankful every day for His grace, mercy, abundant blessings, and strength for the storms. My home church is in Woodstock, Georgia where I have the privilege to sit
under the teaching and shepherding of one of the greatest pastors of our time, Dr. Johnny Hunt.
A few of my favorite things:
Quote: “Life is hard. God is good. Don’t get the two confused.”
Movie: Mmmm…toss up between The Notebook and We Were Soldiers
Book: An impossibly long list – how could I ever choose just one???
Color: Purple
Cartoon: currently, Phineas and Ferb; as a child, Looney Tunes
Food: Italian (only because ice cream doesn’t count)
Place: Home
A guide for growing a marriage of joy and satisfaction as it was intended by the Master Gardener.
Told in touching photographs and the wisdom of many voices, it is a treasure
of insight for couples just starting out in married life, and those who have spent
decades joyfully tending their garden.
The Rose of Marriage
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Told in touching photographs and the wisdom of many voices, it is a treasure
of insight for couples just starting out in married life, and those who have spent
decades joyfully tending their garden.
The Rose of Marriage
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A kid's eye view of the Bible, God's Pinky Promises invites children to dig deeper into the Bible to discover the personal promises of God. Great for parent/grandparent read-a-longs or early readers.
Featuring the delightful illustrations of Ron Wheeler.
Recommended for all ages.
God's Pinky Promises
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Featuring the delightful illustrations of Ron Wheeler.
Recommended for all ages.
God's Pinky Promises
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By her mid-30s, Dawn had her all-American life: a husband, a home, one boy and one girl and one more baby on the way. And cancer. This is the true story of coping with and overcoming breast cancer with friends, family and faith.
Words to Live by: Life is hard. God is good. Don't get the two confused. Bruce McNichol
Pray and Bring Chocolate
Amazon Kindle Barnes&Noble Nook Inknbeans Print Kobo Our Store
Words to Live by: Life is hard. God is good. Don't get the two confused. Bruce McNichol
Pray and Bring Chocolate
Amazon Kindle Barnes&Noble Nook Inknbeans Print Kobo Our Store