Ey Wade

Ey Wade is the single parent of three awesome young women, whom she home-schooled into college and the grandmother, ‘Lovey’ of a little boy. Ey likes to say of herself “Knowing me as a writer and author is like cracking an egg’s shell in the air and wondering how far the splatter will spread.” She is currently the author of nine books written in various genres’.
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The United States was built by people from countries all over the world. Our lawmakers, inventors, educators, activists, entertainers, religious leaders and historians string together heritage and cultures, like colorful beads, to create this unique, multiracial country.
Beads On A String, which began as a home school project for the author's three daughters, looks back through our history to celebrate the people, the races and cultures which make us the United States of America.
Beads On A String, which began as a home school project for the author's three daughters, looks back through our history to celebrate the people, the races and cultures which make us the United States of America.
Beads on a String
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